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Labial Enhancement & Cosmetic Enhancement


labial enhancement and vaginal rejuvination
Labia Enhancement provides you with the knowledge to enhance the looks and beauty of your labia and vulva.

A consultation with Dr. Torbati will help you understand how to correct labia minora problems of asymmetry, jagged labia, and teeth like labia, folds and wrinkles. He would also give you information for the improvement of the outer vaginal lips to make them more full and pouty, eliminate wrinkles on the outer lips and vulva. Vulva lift for sagging genitals and beauty tips on how to make it look sexy and feminine down there as well as improve color tone of the genitals, and experience life at its fullest by having a pretty vagina.

Feel sexy and feminine by having an intimate organ that is bound to yield lust and admiration by the opposite sex and envy by other women.

Enlarged or hypertrophic labia minora can be functionally or socially bothersome. The enlarged labia can have a protuberant and abnormal appearance that can be distressful. Enlargement of the labia minora may be caused by pregnancy and childbirth and other hormonal causes.

Local irritation, problems with personal hygiene, interference with sexual intercourse and discomfort during cycling, walking or sitting are indications for surgical reduction.

Labiaplasty or labial reduction involves a plastic surgical technique to reduce the large or uneven labia minora to a thinner, more comfortable, and more appealing size and shape. The aim of labial reduction surgery is to preserve most of the natural contour, pigmentation, and sensitivity of the labia minora with minimal scarring. Your individual needs and expectations will be discussed during the consultation with Dr. Torbati in absolute confidentiality.

Before and After Photos:


Contact Dr. Torbati for a Detailed Consultation.