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Uterine Fibroids & Myomas

Uterine Fibroid & Myoma Treatment in Tarzana

Uterine Fibroid Treatment Tarzana, Myoma Diagnosis
What Are Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids, also known as myomas, are benign (i.e. noncancerous) growths that develop in the smooth muscle of the wall of the uterus. They are also sometimes referred to as fibroid tumors.

Uterine fibroids vary in size and number, but many women often do not experience symptoms as a result of uterine fibroids and therefore may not be recommended treatment. It is estimated that only 25% of those who develop myoma will need treatment.

Symptoms that are cause for concern:
     • Prolonged bleeding
     • Prolonged menstrual
     • Pelvic pain or pressure
     • Abnormal weight gain
     • Abnormally large abdomen
     • Pain experienced in the back of the legs
     • Pain during sexual intercourse
     • Frequent urination
     • Feeling as if its difficult to empty your bladder
     • Constipation
If more than one of these symptoms exists, then you should schedule an appointment with your gynecologist as a proactive measure. Ultrasound will first be applied as a way to detect myomas if present. If the ultrasound does not reveal anything, then MRI or hysterosonography may be requested.

What Causes Uterine Fibroids to Occur?

The cause of uterine fibroids has not been pinpointed, but they generally appear in women during reproductive childbearing years. They may be related to estrogen levels because they will not grow unless the body is producing estrogen and they often grow during pregnancy when estrogen levels are increased to support the pregnancy. When menopause begins, a woman’s uterine fibroids may begin to shrink in size due to the decreased level of estrogen.

What are My Treatment Options?

If your uterine fibroids are causing concerning symptoms and Dr. Torbati confirms the diagnosis, then you will be recommended certain treatment options. Most often simply waiting is enough if you are not experiencing severe symptoms that are affecting your quality of life.

However, if you are experiencing debilitating symptoms then you may be recommended for medications that target the menstrual cycle and hormone regulation. If medication does not work as intended, then you may be recommended for minimally invasive procedures such as a laparoscopic robotic myomectomy in which only the fibroids are removed.

In very severe cases, the whole uterus is removed as permanent solution to uterine fibroids. But this surgery will end the ability to produce offspring.

Contact Dr. Torbati for a Detailed Uterine Fibroid Consultation.